Thursday, October 30, 2008

birthday update...

Well I can't believe that my baby is one already. Honestly, where has this year gone? Taylor has had a wonderful birthday celebration with a party at Nanny and Poppy's place on Saturday then her actual birthday yesterday, also celebrated at Nanny and Poppy's. She got so many beautiful presents and had a fabulous time with our family and friends. Here is the usual monthly update, followed by some photos from the past few days. At one year old Taylor:-
-is standing and "crusing" around, but not yet walking
-talking a lot, her favourite words are baby, mumma, hello and bye
-loves to wave, clap her hands and do "high five"
-has two bottom teeth, one upper front tooth and two more top ones waiting to pop through anytime
-weighs approximately 10.2kg
-will not sit still, not even for 30 seconds
-is not particularly interested in toys, but loves fridge magnets, kitchen utensils and playing in Mackenzies room, especially with the toy kitchen
-loves to bang things together, the more noise, the better
-loves pretty much all kinds of food and is starting to eat "family food"
-has absolutely no idea how to drink from a cup but we are working on this
-has 2-3 bottles per day, gradually transitioning from formula to cow's milk
-is chewing on everything she can get her hands (or should I say mouth) on
-loves cakes, muffins and other sweet foods - we let her have littles tastes
-loves ice cream - the colder the better
-adores Jordan and Mackenzie but gets quite frustrated when they get in her face
-is still the most adorable, sweet baby ever!


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

Did you make the birthday cake? It's gorgeous!

Of course the girls are all gorgeous too!!


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