Monday, January 30, 2006

Godmother Extraordinaire

It was all organised. I was to be at the Church for my goddaughter's Christening at 11am. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! Mackenzie wakes up with a fever for the 4th day in a row. I've already taken both girls to the doctor on Saturday - Mackenzie for the fever that wouldn't go away and Jordan with (what looked like, and was) conjunctivitis. Lovely, just when she was supposed to start kindy this Tuesday after waiting like 6 months! Anyway, that was fine. Eyedrops for Jordan, antibiotics for Mackenzie. Off to the chemist...$35 later we're all set. So back to Sunday, Mackenzie is all hot and bothered again, then I look at her face and think it looks a little blotchy. Take off her pyjamas, she is covered in a rash all over her torso. So it's off to the emergency room at the Children's Hospital at Randwick. So right about the time that Hayley is being christened I am there holding down my 1 year old (along with two nurses and a doctor) so that they can take a blood sample. Talk about traumatic! I hope I never have to do that again. It was afwul. The poor little thing fought and fought. So they weren't able to get any blood from one arm, they try the other and because she is wrestling so much they end up deciding to extract the blood from her finger. About 10 minutes later they got the amount they needed. It was so distressing. Well, it turns out that it is nothing serious, just some sort of viral infection, so I guess it was worth it in the end. Needless to say I turn up to the Christening party some 4 hours after the event. Better late than never!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Australia Day

We had a lovely Australia Day. We blew up the pool that the girls got for Christmas and they went for a dip. Unfortunately Mackenzie has spent the day fighting a fever (dreaded teeth I think), so she wasn't her usual happy self. This evening we went to Carss Park Australia Day Festival. It was so much fun. There were lots of rides for the kids and great food. Vic and I shared a great Turkish pide with beef, fetta and spinach...yummmmm! The food was sensational. They had everything from the Aussie sausage sizzle, to souvlaki, pide and everything you could imagine! Top that off with a New Zealand ice-cream....fantastic! I'm enjoying a glass of good old McGuigans's red at the moment. A great way to finish a great day. Happy Australia Day everyone!

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Girls

This photo was taken the day of Mackenzie's 1st Birthday party. It is a rare photo of the girls and I together as I am usually one taking all of the photos!

Here Goes.....

Well, I have enjoyed reading other people's blogs so much that I have decided it is time to create my own. God only knows where I will find the time to keep it updated, as it seems that I don't have a spare 10 seconds at the moment, but oh well, I'm sure I'll find the time somewhere (possibly when I'm at work!). I figure that it may be remotely interesting for my friends and family overseas, as well as a way for me to keep track of the daily happenings in our family's busy life. So anyway, here I go.....this is me. Mum, wife, worker, scrapbooker.....the list goes on. Look out, here I come!