Thursday, January 31, 2008

first swim...

Yesterday Taylor had her first swim in the blow-up pool at Nanny and Poppy's. It was meant to be her first time at the beach, but there were storm clouds overhead and we didn't want to risk it so we just took a dip in the pool instead. Taylor loved it, despite the serious look on her Jordan and Mackenzie had a ball in the pool and were in there for over an hour. They were like little prunes when they got out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

three months old...

Our little angel is 3 months old already. How quickly the time has gone. She is a wonderful baby, so happy and content. She is really chubby now, hard to believe that just a few months ago she was so tiny.

my frangi...

I've been acquiring frangipanis for our garden. This one I bought today, look at the beautiful flowers.

Friday, January 25, 2008

what's been happening...

January is flying by and my intention of keeping my blog up to date has fallen by the wayside. I thought I would have more time on my hands when Jordan and Mackenzie went back to Kindy, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case. On their first day back they both came down with tonsilitis, so out of three weeks so far they have missed a total of four days. AS a result of this, Mackenzie is now scheduled to have her tonsils out in early March. She has just been so constantly sick with this, so I'm sure it will be a welcome relief for her to not suffer with tonsilitis anymore. We celebrated my Nan's 90th Birthday a few weeks ago. It was great to catch up with cousins that I had not seen in about 15 years! Last weekend the kids and I went to see Hi-5 in concert with Wendy and Gemma. The kids really enjoyed it. We were excited to book a holiday to Hamilton Island in August this year. We are going there with Darran, Wendy, James, Michelle and all of the kids to celebrate Mark and Lana's wedding. This has given me the motivation to get back into shape, so I went back to Weight Watchers this week. I have around 20kgs to lose before then, so I'm on my way. Here are some pictures from January so far.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

happy new year...

We had a quiet New Year...I guess that's to be expected with three kids under age 4. The kids were in bed and Vic and I sat outside and had a few drinks on our deck listening to the sounds of nature (and the bug zapper frying the We are absolutely loving our new house. It allows us to be outdoors so much more than our old place. There is always a beautiful breeze coming from the ocean, even though we are about 2kms away from the beach. Even on a hot day it is lovely to go sit outside on the covered deck. It looks like we have finally got our spa ready to go, so I plan to give that a whirl very soon. It has taken a lot of work and considerable expense to get it going. Hopefully it won't take too much work to keep it running properly.
Vic is back at work and the kids and I are enjoying the last few days without a routine before Kindy starts back next week. We have really enjoyed having nothing special to do and nowhere to be at any particular time. Yesterday Mackenzie was in her nightie all day until bath time! On Sunday I will have to get organised and get all of their stuff ready for the next morning. Then by the end of January we will have started swimming lessons again and for the first time the girls are taking up dancing. Busy, busy!
We had Lori, Joshua and Jorja come down for a visit on Wednesday. The kids had a ball. We piled all the kids onto my bed to take a picture....what a laugh!
Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely New Year and a great start to 2008.