Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mackenzie's 1st Haircut (well, sort of.....)

I have been cutting Mackenzie's fringe for a while now, but it seemed like I was making a mess of it. Usually I try and cut it while she is in the bath, but the last time she just wouldn't stay still. So it was kind of a messy looking fringe and it was getting really thick and messy on the top. So I decided it was time to take her to my hairdresser to get it all tidied up. Let the games begin....she decided she wasn't sitting in the chair, she wasn't going to wear the cape, she wasn't going to keep her head still. Needless to say her fringe is no straighter than it was when I cut it, just a helluva lot shorter and the top is much thinner too. Not straight or styled, just The poor hairdresser did the best she could under the circumstances. It was no easy task trying to cut hair on a head that was shaking as well as a body that was kicking, thrashing and screaming. I should have taken the video camera. It was worth seeing. Anyway, it's not too bad and it will grow back :o)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Anzac Day

On Tuesday my Mum, my brother Darren and I marched in the Anzac Day March. Darren and I marched in my Poppy's group and Mum marched in her Uncle Charlie's group. Mum and Darren also marched last year, but this was the first year that I have even seen the March let alone be a part of it. It was amazing. There were so many spectators clapping and cheering. It was an awesome feeling to be a part of it. Jordan came too and watched it from Poppy's shoulders. There were lots of marching bands and bagpipers, so she thought that was great. Vic and Mackenzie went to his Mum's place as it would have been a bit long of a day for Mackenzie. They watched the March on the TV and they saw me :o)
It truly was a great experience and I hope to be able to do it again next year.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This Is Funny

I came across this on one of the blogs that I regularly visit. It's a quiz called "The Muppet Personality Test".

You Are Animal

A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.

You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.

But you sure can beat a good drum.

"Kill! Kill!"

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter. We went to Vic's Mum and Dad's for lunch on Good Friday, then over to a friend's place in the evening. Then on Saturday morning we headed down the coast to stay at Mum and Dad's for the rest of the weekend. It was great. The weather was gorgeous and we had a really nice day with Darren and Scott on Sunday. Jordan was awake at the crack of dawn, busting to see if the Easter Bunny had been. Then she couldn't wait to get stuck into the Easter egg because I had told her the night before that she could have it for Oh well, it's only once a year, right? Personally I could eat chocolate for breakfast any day of the week, but I guess that wouldn't be all that nutritious. The funniest thing was, in all of the excitement Mackenzie had ripped open her egg and taken a bite out of the top. Then she shook it up because she could hear that it had something inside. Next thing Smarties went flying everywhere. All over Mum's white carpet were pieces of Easter egg and Smarties. She couldn't pick them up fast enough and stuff them in her mouth. Here she is, 16 months old, eating chocolate at 7am.....yummy! She had a ball, she thought it was the best thing ever. She can say "Easter egg" in her own little language and everytime she caught a glimpse of a foil wrapper all day it was "Easter egg, Easter egg". Too cute. Hope you had a lovely Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Easter Show

We went to the Easter Show yesterday with Nanny, her friend Heather, and Poppy. We had such a great day. It was so hot though. After a real cold snap a couple of weeks ago, summer came back with a vengeance. It was over 30 degrees out at Homebush, made worse by the fact that there was very little shade, so we were pretty much out in the hot sun the whole time. The kids had a really good time. They got to pet the little sheep and goats in the Farmyard Nursery, they went on some fun rides and of course they got showbags. Jordan chose the Hi-5 bag and Mackenzie the Barbie Fairytopia (well, I chose it for her because it came with a really cute fairy dress-up outfit - skirt, fairy wings, tiara etc.) I was really impressed with the showbags. They had loads of really good stuff in there, they weren't just filled with junk. Mum's friend Heather bought both the girls a teddy bear which you made yourself. You got the bear, the stuffing and chose the outfit and you made it yourself. Jordan chose the Princess Aurora outfit for her bear and she helped Mackenzie choose the Princess Jasmine outfit for her bear. They are so beautiful. Thanks again Heather! All in all it was a lovely day. Hope you enjoy the pics. I love the one of Mackenzie with the lamb. We got the same shot last year with Jordan and it was gorgeous but unfortunately this year she wouldn't be in it. You gotta love being two!