Monday, September 29, 2008

11 months old...

Taylor is 11 months old today. I can't believe that she will soon be a year old. She is still the sweetest baby in the world (not that I'm biased or anything). She is so happy all of the time. She does not sleep much which makes me a little crazy at times. We had have a bad month with night time waking and very little day sleeping. It's really hard with me working nights as I don't get much sleep as it is, but with Taylor waking up for 2 hours in the middle of the night, well I thought I was going crazy for a little while there. Thankfully the night waking seems to have sorted itself out (thanks to some not so fun nights of "controlled crying"). Now it's just the day time shenanigans which I am just working with at the moment. I am getting out more of a day which helps, because being home all day with a non-sleeping baby makes for a very long day. So we are out and about - walking, shopping, visiting etc. She has the two bottom teeth and one top tooth poking through She has just enough hair for a cute little clip. Her little tricks are clapping herself for everything she does, crawling everywhere, pulling herself up to her knees on furniture and in the cot, waving and saying byyyeeee, poking her tongue in and out and just generally being cute. I love you more and more every day my little precious.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

interesting fashion choice...

Today Mackenzie wore her pyjama pants on her head for the most part of the morning. Jordan thought a bra on the outside was the way to go...channeling Madonna perhaps? Anyway, I love that they have their own "style". Taylor wore her cute cowgirl t-shirt that Nanny bought her back from Tamworth at the beginning of the year. Such cuteness!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

she's such a boy...

Mackenzie is such a tomboy. She is not into dresses and pretty outfits and hair things. She wants to wear shorts and thongs and Jordan's old shoes. I bought her new sandals for Mark and Lana's wedding but she refused to put them on because they rubbed on her feet. She would rather wear her worn out pair from last year or Jordan's old ones that have already been "worn in". She plays with cars and trains and would jump on the trampoline all day. She loves dinosaurs and pirates. I think it's great that she is into all these "boy" things. I love that her and Jordan are so different in their interests yet that still play together with baby dolls and handbags, because when they play together, Jordan calls the shots. Here she was on Sunday morning wearing her Buzz Lightyear costume, laying on the floor playing with her cars.


Through the wonder of Facebook, I have recently been reunited with some friends that I have not seen in around 15 years. Carolyn and I were best friends in high school and we kind of lost touch then reconnected a couple of times, but the last time I saw her was probably around 1994. We went out to dinner a couple of weeks ago with another friends, Scott. It was so great to catch up over a nice meal and a bottle or two of wine. I have borrowed these photos from Carolyn's blog (I hope you don't mind, Carolyn). The first one is of us in 1985, the second one 23 years later in 2008. Can you believe old!

The other friend that "found" me on Facebook was Melanie. When I was in Year 11, I decided that I wanted an after-school job. I needed some money to buy records with, you know, it was 1986. So I very bravely walked into this takeaway food shop and asked for a job. The wonderful Faye (Mel's mum) decided to give me a job. At that time I was 16 and Mel was probably 11 years old. She was like the little sister I never had. So fast track to 2008. We are both married now with three kids. Her and I have caught up a few times over the past few weeks but on the weekend all of the kids got to meet for the first time. They had the best time. Jordan and Jazz hit it off like all 5-6year old girls do. Mackenzie and Jett were like long lost twins and the babies, well, we'll have to see what happens when they get a bit older. Here is the result of trying to get a nice picture of all of them together....too funny!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

she's crawling...

At 10.5 months, Taylor has mastered the art of crawling. Now if she would only master the art of sleeping! Maybe once she starts crawling all over the place she will become more tired and sleep longer...sounds plausible, doesn't it? Wishful thinking, but anyway. So now the gates will have to come out of the garage so that we don't have her underfoot in the kitchen and in the girls rooms where there are lots of tiny things that we don't want to have eaten. She is very cute to watch, she looks like a little frog. Her knees poke out to the sides when she crawls. It's funny how each of the girls has had a very different crawling style.