Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Look What I've Got In My Hot Little Hand...

After months of waiting, I finally received these hot little numbers in the mail today.
See ya in December Robbie. I promise I didn't mean it when I said I loved Owen Wilson more than you ;o)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Totally Awesome!

Yesterday was one of the most fun days I have ever had since I took up scrapbooking. I went to Crafting Connection, a convention (I guess you would call it) for scrapbookers. The tutors were the totally awesome Ali Edwards and Cathy Zielske (links to their blogs are on the right hand side of my blog). These women rock! Talk about inspiring. It was so fantastic to meet them and do classes with them and we got some amazing products to create fun things with. I made two beautiful mini-albums in Ali's classes and got to sit and listen to Cathy talk about herself and her style in her "lecture". It was great. It was also really fun to see people IRL that I had read about in magazines and that I "know" from blogland. Too bad I couldn't get tickets for today's classes as well. Oh well, there's always next year :o)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

You, Me and Dupree

I LOVED this movie! Apart from the fact that I got to sit somewhere in peace and solitude for 2 hours, which was a treat in itself, the movie was really funny. Matt Dillon is at least as hot as he was in 1985 and Owen Wilson - well, move over Robbie, I think I've found a new #1. For today anyway ;o)

Friday, August 11, 2006

On A Scrappin' Roll

I was on fire this past weekend. Between Saturday afternoon and Monday night I completed five layouts. That would have to be a record for me. I usually take about a week to complete one - so I was very happy with the results.
In other news, my birthday came and went in a very uneventful fashion. I guess that happens when you get to (OMG) 37! Getting very close to 40 now. The only good thing about that is I'm planning a trip to Hawaii with my friend Sandy (shhhhh, don't tell Nanny). She's up for it, so we're going to run away and not take the kids or husbands with us. Anyway, that's 3 years away. It's only 4 weeks until we head off to America. Exciting, but a bit scary too considering the latest terrorist scare in the UK. As a result of that Qantas aren't allowing much in the way of hand luggage. Should be fun travelling with two toddlers and not being allowed to carry anything onto the plane! Great. Oh well, hopefully things will have calmed down by the time we go.
Jordan has headed off down the coast for the weekend with Nanny and Poppy, so it will be a rather quiet weekend in our house. I think I might take myself off to see a movie tomorrow. Spend a little "me" time. Have a great weekend.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Jordan had her face painted at the opening of the Pumpkin Patch store at Roselands today.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Pink Scooter

Here are some pics of Jordan riding her new pink scooter that she got for her birthday.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


If you have a spare six minutes and want to see something really funny, have a look at this

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Jordan

This time three years ago my life changed forever. I became a mother for the first time and it was the happiest day of my life. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. My beautiful baby has now turned three.
She had a great party on Sunday with lots of friends and all of our immediate family. It was fabulous. After weeks of freezing cold and pouring rain we were absolutely blessed with a gorgeous sunny day of around 23 degrees. Mackenzie even got a sunburn it was so warm! We had a fantastic jumping castle for the day which the kids just loved and everyone had a brilliant day.
Today she enjoyed her birthday at kindy where she had a Hi-5 cake with all of her friends and teachers. They made her a beautiful card and gave her a jigsaw puzzle. We celebrated at home tonight with Nanny and Poppy. We had pizza for dinner and a chocolate cake for dessert. She got a pink scooter (among other things) of myself and Vic, which she rode around the loungeroom and lots and lots of other goodies. Here are some photos of her party on Sunday and her birthday dinner tonight.