Tuesday, July 29, 2008

nine months old...

Wow...how fast the time goes. My baby is nine months old today. Soon we will be planning her first birthday. The poor darling has been so sick over the past three months, so I'm hoping that things will improve for her soon. Here are some random facts about Taylor at 9 months...
-she wants to crawl but hasn't quite got it yet
-she weighs 9kg and is 69.7cm tall
-she has her two bottom teeth
-she sits on the floor and happily plays with toys
-she is a little chatterbox, constantly babbling away
-she says mumma, bubba, nanna and dadda
-she crosses her fingers
-she waves bye bye
-she claps her little hands
-she loves to jump up and down on your lap
-she loves going for walks in the pram
-she doesn't always sleep well during the day, but sleeps all night
-she puts everything in her mouth - including stickers which resulted in an ambulance call last Friday (that's another story)
-she spent three days in hospital with bronchiolitis and now has it back again
-she loves weet-bix with fruit for breakfast
-she still loves pumpkin soup
-she loves yoghurt, custard and fruit
-she is pretty adept with finger food and loves arrowroot biscuits
-she loves to watch Jordan and Mackenzie jump and dance around
-she is the happiest baby I have ever met (even when she's sick)
-she is so beautiful

Monday, July 28, 2008

the best laid plans...

This past week my friend Michelle turned 40. We went over to her place for birthday cake on Wednesday night. We planned to go out for dinner on Saturday night to celebrate. We all organised sleepovers for our kiddies. Then on Thursday Taylor got sick with bronchiolitis again. The same bug that put her in the hospital a month ago. By Saturday afternoon she seemed fine so we went ahead with our dinner and sleepover plans. Unfortunately she decided that she didn't want to sleep over at Nanny and Poppy's house and they called me to come and get her at 11.45pm. Aarrggghhh! Just after my head had hit the pillow and fallen asleep. Oh well, you get that. Other than that, it was a really fun night. Good food, good wine, good company.
This week sees Taylor turn 9 months old and Jordan turning 5. Oh man, where have the past 5 years gone? I can't believe it. She has Friday (her actual birthday) organised with a morning tea and restaurant dinner planned, then her party is on Saturday afternoon. Stay tuned for more updates this week...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

the upside-down rainbow has a name...

Thanks to my friend Kelly in the US for the following comment about the rainbow in the previous post...

Hi Kelly, that strange sky rainbow is a result of virga (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga) When living in Tucson we would see it all the time. Basically, rain falls from the cloud, but doesn't hit the ground. In this case, the sun was shining and, voila, a rainbow!

So, there you go, you learn something every day :o)