Thursday, October 30, 2008

birthday update...

Well I can't believe that my baby is one already. Honestly, where has this year gone? Taylor has had a wonderful birthday celebration with a party at Nanny and Poppy's place on Saturday then her actual birthday yesterday, also celebrated at Nanny and Poppy's. She got so many beautiful presents and had a fabulous time with our family and friends. Here is the usual monthly update, followed by some photos from the past few days. At one year old Taylor:-
-is standing and "crusing" around, but not yet walking
-talking a lot, her favourite words are baby, mumma, hello and bye
-loves to wave, clap her hands and do "high five"
-has two bottom teeth, one upper front tooth and two more top ones waiting to pop through anytime
-weighs approximately 10.2kg
-will not sit still, not even for 30 seconds
-is not particularly interested in toys, but loves fridge magnets, kitchen utensils and playing in Mackenzies room, especially with the toy kitchen
-loves to bang things together, the more noise, the better
-loves pretty much all kinds of food and is starting to eat "family food"
-has absolutely no idea how to drink from a cup but we are working on this
-has 2-3 bottles per day, gradually transitioning from formula to cow's milk
-is chewing on everything she can get her hands (or should I say mouth) on
-loves cakes, muffins and other sweet foods - we let her have littles tastes
-loves ice cream - the colder the better
-adores Jordan and Mackenzie but gets quite frustrated when they get in her face
-is still the most adorable, sweet baby ever!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

happy 1st birthday taylor...

Here is the birthday girl enjoying some cake. Stay tuned for a full rundown on her birthday celebrations.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

oh, and one more...

Filing mummy's papers...

new tricks...

In the past week Taylor seems to have suddenly grown up. I still can't quite get my head around the fact that she will be one year old in less than two weeks. Since she started crawling there has been no stopping her. She now pulls herself up to standing, using anything - the lounge, her activity table, in the cot and your legs if you stand still long enough. She has also started holding the bottle for herself...about time with that one! She is one clever little girl.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

photo update...

I've been a slack blogger lately. I've been spending far too much time on Facebook. I have been taking lots of photos though, so here a few to share...

Taylor at Ruby's

Jordan & Jazz at Ruby's

The Cruz/Joils kids

Mackenzie brushing Taylor's hair

The girls in the bath