Sunday, June 29, 2008

playing outside and weird sky phenomenon...

Today was a beautiful sunny day so we were outside in the backyard for most of the day. Jordan and Mackenzie jumped on the trampoline, rode their bikes and played on the climbing gym. Vic installed a new solar-powered security light and Taylor took a ride in the swing. We had a picnic lunch of chicken and hot chips outside in the sun. It was so nice. Mackenzie spotted an upside down rainbow way up in the sky - yes, I have the photos to prove it. I have never seen anything like this before. Check it out in the last picture below.

at 8 months old...

-you have been so sick for the past two months, but hopefully are on the mend now
-you weigh 8.9kg
-you don't have any teeth yet
-you sit up by yourself
-you are learning to wave by scrunching up your fist
-you love the bath, just like your big sisters
-you reach for everything and put it in your mouth
-you love your food, especially pumpkin soup, banana, toast, yoghurt, custard and arrowroot biscuits
-you say "mumma" and "bubba"
-you light up when you see your sisters
-your daytime sleeping leaves a lot to be desired
-you sleep well during the night which is some consolation
-you love going for walks in the pram
-you are always happy and smiley
-you are becoming quite mobile, rolling from one side of the room to the other
-you love to stick your foot in your mouth, especially when eating (grrrrr)
-you have just discovered raspberry blowing, also when eating (grrrrr)
-you are so beautiful and i love you sooooooo much

Friday, June 20, 2008

my poor bubby...

Taylor has been really sick this week. This nasty cold that has been lurking around for almost two months took a turn for the worse last Sunday and we ended up in the hospital for three days. She now has bronchiolitis - a chest infection which caused her to have difficulty breathing. We took her to the Emergency room at Bulli Hospital and they transferred us to Wollongong Hospital by ambulance. We were allowed to come home on Tuesday and she seemed to get a bit better, but yesterday she started to get all wheezy again. We saw the doctor today and we have to change her medication routine and hopefully it will improve. She is taking two different inhalers, similar to Mackenzie's asthma medication. According to the doctors she will most likely be asthmatic, which is very worrying, but what can you do? She is still so happy and smiley, despite being quite sick. She is a such a beautiful baby. I hope she gets well soon.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

i love pumpkin soup...

slack blogger...

I've been a slack blogger lately. Mainly because I discovered Facebook. I finally caved and joined up and have spent countless hours there ever since. It really is the biggest time waster in the world, but so much fun at the same time. Not much happening here, the weather is turning really cold. The girls are all good. I lost my nose ring in my sleep the other night and couldn't find it, so by 11am in the morning the darn thing had closed up. So now I have to wait a few weeks then get it pierced again...ouch!! So not happy about that, but as Jordan said to me yesterday "get over it". I'm trying to. Here are some recent pics of the girls...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

seven months + one week old...

Oops! I'm a week late for my monthly "Taylor" update. She's great. Apart from the rotten cold that just won't go away. It has travelled around her little body for almost 8 weeks now. It goes from her eyes to her throat, then her nose, then turns into a terrible cough. One thing will improve then she will get symptons somewhere else. I feel terrible for her. She has been to the doctors several times but there doesn't seem to be much they can do. The virus just doesn't want to go. Other than that she is going very well. She can sit up by herself now, but it seems to be more fun to hurl herself backwards and sideways, so we have to stuff pillows all around her. She rolls here, there and everywhere on the floor. She also thinks it fun to try and roll over on the change table. This can get very messy. She is getting very frustrated at the moment, not really content with any particular activity for more than a few minutes. It can be exhausting. Her favourite time is bath-time. She could sit in there for ages. She is enjoying all different kinds of food now and can feed herself rusks and toast crusts - well she pretty much just chews them up until they are a gooey mess and wipes them all over her face and clothes, but oh well. It's all part of the learning process. Her favourite food is my home-made pumpkin soup which her and I have for lunch almost every day. Yummmm. She also loves yoghurt and custard and loves her weet-bix and pureed fruit for breakfast.
Here are a couple of blurry pictures. Blurry because I refuse to use the flash anymore and she doesn't stay still long enough.