Tuesday, April 29, 2008

six months old...

My beautiful Taylor is 6 months old already. How did that happen? She is such a happy, content baby, always with a smile on her face. She has been so sick this past week with a head cold. Everytime I lay her down she can hardly breathe with such a runny rose. Same with her bottle, she is spluttering it everywhere because she can't breathe through her nose. Hopefully she will be well again soon. Nevertheless, she is still always smiling and happy.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

weekend randomness...

Not sure if randomness is a word, but I like it anyway. It's been very long week followed by a nice long weekend. Taylor and Mackenzie have been sick all week so there has been a lot of sleepless nights. Jordan has been going to dancing every day for a school holiday programme. She has loved every minute of it. Friday was ANZAC Day and the last day of dancing. The parents were invited to stay and watch the whole lesson. This was the first time that I had seen her dance since she started earlier this year. It was so lovely to watch. The girls all looked gorgeous and they took the lesson very seriously.

My Mum marched in the ANZAC Day March in the city in honour of her father (Poppy) and her Uncle Charlie who both fought in WWII. Fortunately my Poppy made it home and lived to be 80 years of age, sadly my Great Uncle did not. He was killed as a POW. Here is a picture of my Poppy from the War.

Saturday the kids had a party to go to. It was a pirate party for their friend Travis. Mackenzie wanted to be a pirate but at the last minute Jordan changed her mind and decided to be a fairy.

After we got home from the party I went to the local tattoo parlour and had my nose pierced. I had been wanting to do this for a while and finally got around to it. I like it.

This morning Jordan fed Taylor yoghurt for breakfast. I think they were equally responsible for the giant mess that was made.

Later this morning we took the kids to the park up at Coalcliff. I was looking forward to the photo opportunities but unfortunately it was really windy and cold. I stayed in the car with Taylor as she has a terrible cold and I didn't want to take her out in the wind. We only stayed a short while as Mackenzie has bronchitis and I didn't want her to get any worse. So no photos. Back to normal (hopefully) tomorrow with the kids going to Kindy and the normal routine.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


When I saw this photo of Taylor in the washing basket I remembered seeing a photo of myself as a baby in a very similar pose. All of my baby photos are on slides so Mum got it printed for me. I think we look very similar - what do you think?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

the age of technology...

Conversation between myself and Mackenzie this morning...

Mackenzie: "Mummy I can't find my baby (meaning her doll)?"
Mummy: "I don't know where it is, it must be in your bedroom somewhere"
Mackenzie: "You must've sold it on ebay because I can't find it"

Who knew that a 3 year old had the concept of selling stuff on ebay...lol.

i love pumpkin...

it's a tough life..

Being a cat.
Lounging about on the steps.
Making everyone walk around me.
So they almost trip and fall down the stairs.
Hee hee hee.

Friday, April 11, 2008


You love to make stuff.
You cut pieces of paper into a million tiny bits.
You use lots of sticky tape.
You make a giant mess.
That I have to clean up.
But you love it, and that's all that matters.

This is what a typical day is like for us at home.
Only you are not always wearing matching clothes.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

new dos...

Jordan and Mackenzie had their hair cut today, quite a bit off the length for both of them. Their hairdresser Sharnelle, did a beautiful hairstyle for both of them afterwards.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Well, sort of. I started feeding Taylor some rice cereal this week. She wasn't that keen to begin with but is now starting to get the hang of it. I added some apples which makes it taste a whole lot better. She's munching on it now and opening her mouth for more. Soon she will be eating all sorts of yummy food.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

roll, baby, roll...

She's off and rolling at five months and five days old.